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Learn How to Transform Your Pool’s Culture at CEO Institute 2024


CEO Institute 2024 | Aug. 4–7 in St. Louis, MO

Registration for CEO Institute 2024 is open to pool executives and senior leaders through July 12. CEO Institute is unique because we focus on one important, future-oriented topic and give leaders time to work on it together.

This year is all about consciously building the culture you want. A healthy workplace culture motivates employees to perform at their best. It encourages creativity, innovation and a strong work ethic. When created thoughtfully and with intention, culture aligns everyone with the pool’s mission, ensuring they are working toward the same objectives and have the support they need.

Attendees can expect:

  • Dedicated time for networking and learning within a small group environment. Build trusted working relationships with fellow senior leaders in a friendly and supportive setting. Discuss consequential ideas, concepts and solutions with your peers in the pooling community.

  • Actionable insights. Learn to think of your pool’s culture as not just a feeling, but the operational system driving your success. Leave with a clear and concise list of culture priorities and familiarity with others who are headed home to do the same kind of work. 

CEO Institute is highly valued as a focused environment without pool governing body members or service providers. We hope to see you in St. Louis!

See the full schedule or register now.
