Conscious Culture Residency and Resources

Conscious Culture Residency and Resources

Building a culture consciously requires you to think about culture as more than just a feeling, acknowledging it as an operating system that drives results. It also requires an honest assessment of your pool’s current culture, reconsideration of whether continuing as-is (or returning to how things “used to be”) is truly ideal and a conscious decision about what culture is best for your team.

Throughout the year, you have opportunity to explore:

  • Your current culture norms, patterns and their impact.

  • Eight culture markers and the dominant patterns observed across organizations and within pooling.

  • The culture you want (and need) to build.

  • Your own culture priorities that are clear about what is valued in your pool and why.

  • Action planning to implement your ideas and conscious culture goals.

Customized Culture Assessment
All member pools can have their work teams complete a comprehensive culture assessment starting in January 2024.

Participating pools receive individualized results (a visual report and interpretation guide) that shed light on their current culture patterns. Aggregated data from all pools will also be shared to better understand norms within the broader pooling community.

Interested pools should contact Devereaux Morkunas to get started.

Workshop for Top Pool Executives 
CEO Institute 2024 will have focused content about building a conscious culture in your pool. Leveraging the assessment results from their pool, attendees will learn how to identify culture patterns (and possible problems) and how to build a clear culture change roadmap to produce real results. We’ll provide tools and strategies relevant for every sized and structured pool. If you plan to attend CEO Institute, we highly encourage you to have your team complete the culture assessment in order to get the most out of this event.

Office Hours with AGRiP Resident Jamie Notter
These informal meetings are an opportunity to meet with peers who are also building an intentional culture at their own pools. At each session Jamie will give a brief presentation and then facilitate a conversation on a different aspect of culture change.

All office hour sessions will be held at 2 p.m. ET. Contact Devereaux Morkunas to register for upcoming office hours or for more information, then mark your calendars for the following dates:

  • Sept. 5

  • Sept. 24

  • Oct. 15

  • Nov. 5

  • Nov. 22

  • Dec. 17

Presentations to Introduce Key Culture Concepts
2024 keynote presentations at Governance Conference and Staff Forum will help pool governing body and staff teams better understand culture needs and their role in supporting a consciously determined set of culture goals.

Over the course of the year, residency resources such as pool-specific guides and templates to design and change culture are created and shared, then captured in a single source toolkit. The toolkit will help pools:

  • Broaden internal data gathering and understanding of culture patterns.

  • Develop a set of culture priorities.

  • Develop a list of culture strategies for each priority.

  • Plan for culture change.

  • Measure progress and impact of culture change.