CEO Institute 2024

CEO Institute 2024 is August 4-7 in Saint Louis in Ballpark Village, the hub of all things St. Louis Cardinals with Busch Stadium just across the street. 

This year's topic will be the 2024 Conscious Culture Residency. Building a culture consciously requires you to think about culture as more than just a feeling, acknowledging it as an operating system that drives results. It also requires an honest assessment of your pool’s current culture, reconsideration of whether continuing as-is (or returning to how things “used to be”) is truly ideal and a conscious decision about what culture is best for your team.

Registration is available only to AGRiP member pools.

CEO Institute is a small, conversational and hands-on learning event for the top executive and senior staff of AGRiP member pools. It gives leaders time to openly share ideas, learn from one another, and deepen peer-to-peer relationships. Pool governing body members and service providers do not attend CEO Institute.

Top pool executives will:

  • Be in an intimate, friendly environment without  pool governing body members or service providers.

  • Form trusted working relationships with other executives. 

  • Learn about and work on timely issues fundamentally important to and/or driving change in public entity pooling.

As part of the residency, member pools can participate in a comprehensive assessment to help pinpoint culture patterns that could be holding you back. 
CEO Institute attendees will leverage their pool’s assessment results to develop a plan to consciously build the best version of their pool’s culture. 

Pools who began this work prior to May 20 will have results in time for CEO Institute.

f you pool has not taken the full assessment, you will be given a short quiz-style assessment prior to the conference. You can still engage with the full assessment throughout August.

Contact Devereaux Morkunas for more information on the residency or to engage the assessment for your team. 


Registration Button     

You can view the conference app in your browser now or download it using the QR code for access to the full program. 

Who Should Attend

The program is designed for top pool executives and/or their senior leadership (or designee).

Registration is not open to service providers or governing body members.


CEO Institute includes formal and informal networking opportunities so attendees can build their professional network.

Social Event and Dinner at the Weirdly Wonderful City Museum (5:30-9:30 p.m. on Monday)

Join us at City Museum, an all-ages architectural playground in downtown St. Louis. This unique artist-built venue in a former shoe warehouse is an indoor/outdoor mix of eclectic activities and sights like no other museum. You will see salvaged bridges, a whale, the world's largest pencil, slides and two airplanes. Don't miss the rooftop with a bus hanging off the side of the building and take a ride on the ferris wheel for a magnificent view of the city! Monday night dinner is included with attendee registration.

Evening on Your Own (Tuesday)

Although Tuesday night is yours to enjoy on your own, AGRiP is making dinner reservations at several restaurants for those who'd like to connect with other members. Sign up will be available at the AGRiP check-in desk. Diners are responsible for their own transportation and dinner costs. 


Attendees will work individually and in groups to:

  • Understand eight culture dimensions and patterns, and how they impact pools.

  • Identify their pool’s own competing commitments and patterns and understand how they impact performance.

  • Reflect on the culture they want to see at their pool and where they have strengths and weaknesses related to culture.

  • Begin defining specific culture priorities that make it clear what is valued in their pool’s culture and why.

  • Identify and evaluate culture plays/action items that move their pool’s culture in the desired direction.

At the end of CEO Institute, you will know how to effectively implement culture change and have a framework  for implementing, measuring and managing culture change at your pool.

Schedule At-A-Glance

See the full schedule for details.

Sunday, Aug. 4

5:30–7 p.m.
Welcome Reception

Monday, Aug. 5

9–10:45 a.m.
Conscious Culture Introduction

10:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Eight Culture Markers and Patterns

1:30–3 p.m.
Understanding Pool Culture

3:15–4:30 p.m.
Envisioning Your Pool's Future Culture

5:30-9:30 p.m.
Social Event and Dinner at the Weirdly Wonderful City Musuem

uesday, Aug. 6

9:00 a.m.–12 p.m.
Your Culture Priorities

1–3 p.m.
Culture Plays/Action Items

3:15–4:30 p.m.
Implementing Culture Change

Evening on Your Own

Wednesday, Aug. 7

8:30–10 a.m. 
CEO Linkage and Breakfast

10-10:45 a.m.
Reflecting on Culture Change

11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Culture and Artificial Intelligence

Event Registration and Pricing

Registration closes July 12.

Registration is available only to AGRiP member pools. The program is designed for top pool executives and/or their senior leadership (or designee).


  • $995 through June 27

  • $1,095 beginning June 28

Guest registration is not allowed for business colleagues who are otherwise eligible to attend the conference. Guests are traveling companions of registered attendees. Guests must be registered to attend meals and are not eligible to participate in educational programming.

Guest meal pricing, set at actual cost of meals, is:

  • $315 - Guest Breakfast and Lunch Package 

  • $120 - Sunday Welcome Reception

Payment for registration is required prior to the event starting date except for onsite registration by individuals from member organizations in good standing. No individual will be permitted access to the conference without completing payment prior to entrance. Onsite payments are accepted by credit card only (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express). Review our conference policies for full details.

Hotel Information

CEO Institute 2024 is at Live! by Loews in Ballpark Village. Do not make your hotel reservations until you have registered for CEO Institute. 

After you register, you will immediately be redirected to a link to make hotel reservations. The deadline to reserve a room through the AGRiP hotel block is July 12. You will also receive an email with hotel information. If you make reservations outside this process, AGRiP will be unable to assist you with questions or concerns related to the reservation.